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  • 门诊病人成瘾治疗
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    我女儿从一开始就不愿意接受治疗。她觉得自己还没有完蛋,还没有跌到谷底。她进入了Hazelden Betty Ford Plymouth,并在那里呆了60天。那里的专业人员与我们合作,以确保她的治疗符合她的需要。她20岁出头,聪明、有魅力,看起来非常成熟。治疗的一个关键部分是治疗关系;一个是信任和诚实。她的顾问知识渊博,有能力和我们的女儿发展这种关系。其他咨询师也很擅长倾听、确认和帮助她了解主动成瘾对她的感知有多大的影响。他们知道她的一些帮助行为实际上是回避行为。 I attended the family program and found it to useful in helping me assess my role and how to support our daughter in a consistent way that allowed her to take ownership of managing her disease and allowing us to grow in our relationship. While in treatment she she received, medical, psychological, and nursing service.I do think the advertisement for services is someone inflated. There was not individual therapy on a weekly/regular basis but there was group therapy sessions facilitated by master level practitioners. I was under the impression the facility offered EMDR therapy and trauma informed treatment/care but they did not. Their focus is treating addiction and other co existing condition but there expertise is in addiction. I also agree that they follow the AA 12 step program and did not offer NA meetings. Meeting are tricky because they are run by participants and when participants are in treatment it is difficult to follow the process in a productive manner without someone guiding the process. The treatment team including the doctor and psychologist who both contacted me in regards to treatment options as our daughter progressed. She went into a sober living home in St. Paul Minnesota and attended the Intensive outpatient Program at Hazelden St Paul. for 6 weeks at which time she relapsed. The IOP program staff were again amazing. They understood the nature of the disease and worked with her to to manage her disease and hold her accountable for her actions. Our daughter choose to leave the program and two days later she made the decision on her own to back into treatment. She is currently back in treatment at Hazelden. In working with the treatment team and our daughter the decision was made for her to go back into residential treatment but at another location that worked with adults and not adolescence. She attended Hazeldon Center City Residential Care and was more ready to be honest with herself and accept treatment. Overall I would highly recommend both Plymouth for adolescent treatment and St Paul's IOP program; knowing the person will need outside services and supports. The biggest challenge is finding the right fit for the person who needs treatment. Each campus/facility has a different vibe.


    • 房屋及设施

    • 治疗效果

    • 食物与营养



    • 房屋及设施

    • 治疗效果

    • 食物与营养

    他们会撒谎骗你进监狱。一切都有保险。一两个星期后,你会发现你将为你的住宿付账。如果你不付钱,他们就把你踢出去,送去收钱!坏的地方! !他们不在乎你,只在乎在你最糟糕的时候能从你身上挣到多少钱!我打赌他们会因为说了真话而删除这篇帖子!


    • 房屋及设施

    • 治疗效果

    • 食物与营养



    • 房屋及设施

    • 治疗效果

    • 食物与营养

    住宿、食物和大部分工作人员都很棒。我唯一的抱怨是Hazelden只提供基于12步的治疗。我和家人通过电话联系的咨询师撒了个谎,说他们正在采用最新的技术,不像过去那么专注于12步。这是绝对错误的。我并不反对这12步——远非如此。他们帮助了数百万人。我见过他们在那些我本以为无可救药的人身上创造奇迹。他们可以为任何人工作。如果你没那么喜欢上帝也不用担心。黑泽尔顿经常提醒人们,他们的“更高的力量”不一定是上帝。 My problem isn’t with the 12 Steps, it’s that this is the only approach Hazelden utilizes. . If you question the idea that only the 12 Steps can get you sober at Hazelden, you are in for tough time. You will be told that you will relapse. You will be told that your only future is jail, institutionalization or death from your addiction. You will be described as “terminally unique.” Your way thinking will be labeled “grandiose.” And all those people who got sober without the 12 Steps? According to Hazelden, they are simply “dry drunks.” If you can’t or won’t follow the 12 Steps, Hazelden will not help you. Most nights at Hazelden, residents attend a lecture from previous patients who achieved sobriety through their program. One fellow I saw speak had been through Hazelden SEVEN times. Between his first and last visit, he lost everything - his job, his house and his family. You might think that after the third or fourth time, they would consider suggesting a different type of treatment for him. Apparently they never did, they took his money every time. I’m glad that this man is now sober, but I can’t help but wonder if, had he chosen a different approach, would he have had to pay such a steep price? If you had a different illness that was also potentially life-threatening, what kind of doctor would you seek out? Would you go to a doctor that only offers one treatment and prescribes it to everyone regardless of their symptoms? Or would you want someone that was aware of all of the possible treatments and would prescribe the one that will work best for you? A more appropriate question might be, would you seek treatment at a spiritual center? Hazelden is really a spiritual program. I don’t have a problem with that, but please realize that most of the staff are not doctors or psychologists. Their counselors typically have less training than chiropractors. One thing to be aware of with Hazelden, and this is true for a lot of other residential programs as well, is that they do not allow patients ta take certain medications, even when prescribed by a physician. In my case, I was denied access to my ADHD medicine which meant I felt physically terrible for the entire 28 days. If you take any medications, double-check that you will be allowed to have them in the program that you choose. If a person is desperate to reclaim their life from addiction and are willing to do whatever they are told, Hazelden is a great option. . If you are interested in a treatment that’s based on psychology and/or medicine, or at least would like to be offered science-based options, I would look elsewhere. If money is an issue, or you’re on the fence about residential treatment, I can sum up what Hazelden teaches with this: For the rest of your life: 1. Go to AA/NA meetings 2. Get an AA/NA sponsor 3. Work the 12 Steps In any case, know that millions of people have overcome their addictions. There is hope! God speed to you and your family.