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  • 医疗解毒
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  • 居民区




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  • 房屋及设施

  • 治疗效果

  • 食物与营养

没有经验的顾问哭诉贪心,让儿子被隔离,治疗无效....让贫困。负责他乘出租车回来,因为没有人负责....但如果不能妥善处理这种觊觎,那就另当别论了....THE PEOPLE ELBOW TO ELBOW WITH HIM WERE NOT QUARANTINED AND ALLOW TO DO WHATEVER.....IM PISSED


    对新护士的培训是低于标准的,对治疗“哲学”的最低教育,没有计算机培训,没有培训手册可参考,没有入职检查表以确保完成培训的所有组成部分。我曾跟随过另一位注册护士她有一大堆病人要处理。没有时间坐下来复习。1.5周的训练,然后你就被列入计划了。这是不安全的做法。不鼓励护理人员亲自与病人互动——只要快速完成分配给他们的任务,不必费心与病人实际“交谈”。我被告知,如果病人来找我谈话,就告诉他们“和你的顾问谈谈”。护士管理是可怕的——她是新来的,受雇是为了促进变革,但她却在别人面前批评和训斥员工,说话粗鲁、居高临下,是个恶霸。员工们不敢站出来为自己辩护,因为他们害怕失去工作或得罪她。一位护士说,当她看到新经理贬低和欺负别人时,她决定闭上嘴巴,因为这样可以减少对她的关注。 Many of the nurses told me to do the same, just keep quiet and do your job. One evening the Manager was reprimanding an aide in the nurses office while we were giving report to the oncoming staff. The aide was so embarrassed, her face was red and she was on the verge of tears. All of us in the room, and there were 6-7 of us, just remained quiet. I was new, I didn’t know what to do, but after the incident I approached the girl and apologized to her for not opening my mouth. I felt horrible. As a nurse and a leader, I should have spoken up and told the Manager that type of behavior is not appropriate. I did report all of this to HR when I left, in hope of a change. Nurses and aides don’t get to take a full lunch. They eat in the nurses office and if a patient requires something then they must stop their break and attend to the patient. The Manager is aware and encouraged me to do the same, stating if I was a true team player that I would do the same. There has been a lot of staff turnover at Farnum. They hire inexperienced, brand new nurses without any experience in mental health or SUD. What I found most alarming is the day nurses don’t seem to really care about the patients. They tend to under-medicate the clients, treating them as “drug seeking”. During my training, I was told by a day nurse to change my patient assessment so that it reflected a lowered score. As a result, the lower score would not allow the patient to receive withdrawal medication. She didn’t “feel” that the patient looked “sick enough”. As nurses, we don’t get to decide who deserves medication based on our feelings. That is unethical. I refused to change the score, I medicated that patient. The day nurse then reported me to Management as “not understanding the training and not doing the assessments correctly” All because I wouldn’t do what she wanted. The nurses complain and talk negatively about the patients to each other. They don’t understand or they don’t care that these people are sick and trying to get better. In my opinion, I wouldn’t send my loved one to Farnum and I would hire a new Manager- one that respects and encourages the staff, fosters positivity and increases staff morale.


    • 房屋及设施

    • 治疗效果

    • 食物与营养



    • 房屋及设施

    • 治疗效果

    • 食物与营养



    • 房屋及设施

    • 治疗效果

    我是一个每天接受16毫克苏博克酮的客户。我已经服用这个mg几个月了。我每周提交一份联调局报告。直到几周前我才有过这种问题。不知道为什么我的检测结果是假阳性一旦他们被送到实验室进行检测,结果显示他们确实是假阳性。医生说这是通过PCP给我开的药。过去几周,我尿中的苏巴酮含量几乎降到了零。出于某种原因,我的水平非常低。我什么都没变。 I have been taking my suboxone every single morning 16mgs a day. However Everytime I false positive showed up I always had to submit another U.A. within that hour. For my second u.a. that day] i was told to drink water. I would drink a ton of water then I would finally be able to submit I u.a. since having to submit a second u.a. my levels for that u.a. has dropped. I am assuming it is due to all the water I am drinking. I'm not a doctor but my assumption in the amount of water I I drank effected my u.a. levels. However this is not a valid reason. I have told the staff that I have done nothing wrong and that I have always taken my Suboxone as prescribed never missing a day. However I am being told it is impossible that I am taking my suboxone due to the graph shown on the paper. Every week I come in more and more nervous thinking I am going to be discharged when I have done nothing wrong. I can't convince anyone that I have been taking my suboxone on a regular basis. I am being treated as a liar abd I can't convince anyone any different. I understand the graph shows the levels are low but I do not understand why. Next week could be the week I am discharged. It is very discouraging because when I had lost all hope as a drug addict I had Farnum center as my last option and now I'm being looked at as if I am a liar, and may be in jeopardy of being discharged from the only place who gave me hope and helped me to continue a sober life. I completed an IOP, I quit smoking week like they asked, I quit Kratom like they asked, I have done everything by the book and have done everything the have asked. Yet I can't convince these guys that something is terribly wrong with these results. I have set an appointment with my PCP to have blood test done for hep c and to see if the levels of Suboxone are any different with a blood test. What really is discouraging is how I'm being treated like a liar. What was once a friendly staff now became a staff full of accusation. I don't know what else to do. I'm losing hope in the farnum center the place where I came for help and my last resort. Even if this gets resolved I will still have that fear that something may happen again. This really changed my thoughts on recovery centers. When a recovery center is your last option, what else is left when it fails you? I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else, because it is depressing to have to go through when your life is in the line being a drug addict.