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    我刚看了朱迪的评论,我不得不同意她对导演的评价。我也服用拉莫三嗪治疗癫痫。我检测出苯环己哌啶阳性。我都没见过苯环己哌啶!!但我提供了一张药房的纸条因为她也说了同样的话。“打电话不是我工作的一部分。她允许我留下来。苯海拉明也会导致错误的PCP药物筛查。其他的员工都很好。我和员工相处从来没有任何问题。 I did, however, have problems with other clients residing there. People were mean to me and made fun of me. They judged me and treated me horribly. I cried often while I was there. The same people who talked about me and judged me were the same people asking me for cigarettes everyday. I felt like I had to give them cigarettes or they would just keep being mean. Bullies!!! And not just one or two. There were many bullies and I wasn't the only victim. I came there to get away from my abusive fiance and to begin recovery for my drinking and drug problems. Only to find I had entered a facility full of abusive women! I really couldn't believe it. Here I was trying to improve myself and get straight and honest about the way I was living. Women should be a support for one another. A powerful force to be reckoned with is a strong group of women. They have each other's back. Not stab you in it. It really hurt. So while I felt like I was in a great recovery facility, I was having a hard time because of all the drama. It stressed me out and triggered my PTSD and I wound up relapsing. They had to put me out! I broke a rule! Luckily my mom was willing to take me in until I could get my own place. I have been really wanting to go back to the Y but I'm scared there will be drama so that's holding me back from getting help. I hope the staff can figure out a no bully policy without being called a snitch because you were being abused. A snitch on the street gets their ass kicked, I know! But the Y is not the street so people need to behave like decent people, act mature, mind their own recovery, be kind and do their best. That's how I hold myself. They were all low lifes with no intention to get and stay clean. They were just dodging jail time. It's really pretty sad.


      这个机构的主任并不把她的职位当回事,她也不关心那些进入这个项目的人的成功。五周后,我的女儿因为在PCP药物检测中假阳性而被迫离开了医院。医生给我女儿开了拉莫三嗪这种药会导致PCP假阳性。即使被FDA对她提供的信息来验证这一点,她是不愿意接受它,说这不是她的工作进行调查以来,药物和药物治疗,拉莫三嗪是不在名单上的供应商提供的活性药物药物屏幕,这不是她的问题,我的女儿应该马上离开这里!!然后她联系我的女儿缓刑监督官(之前书面同意),告诉她我的女儿被从他们的程序和信息披露这一事件发生三周之前曾与她的错误删除的设备,应该已报告发生而不是三个如果是和她的缓刑有关的话。结果,法院发出了逮捕我女儿的逮捕令,她在监狱里成功度过的五周就这样过去了。那天,我女儿抱着她的东西坐了好几个小时,哭着要求他们不要强迫她离开,因为她做的唯一一件事就是吃了她参加项目后看过的医生给她开的药。我女儿被告知,她所说的一切对她来说都不重要,她应该离开,否则她会让警察把她带走!! This facility could have far more graduates of the program if it actually had someone in charge that cared about the success of those that enter it...she IS NOT THAT PERSON. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should anyone be forced out of a rehabilitation facility unless they are refusing to participate and follow by the rules...My daughter was doing wonderful and followed the reccomendation of her caseworker at the facility to be evaluated by a physician and take all medications as directed by her physician...she was prescribed Lamotrigine, took it as prescribed and as a result she was kicked out of the facility into the streets and a warrant issued for her arrest when it all could have been resolved if they would have taken the time to make a simple phone call to any pharmacy in town or lab..but since it "wasnt her job nor her problem" she refused!!! I wonder how many people that struggled with an addiction to Heroine, and Opiates were thrown out for similar reason and denied treatment by this woman and have lost their lives? I have contacted various News teams and talk shows about this story and hope that the needed changes will be made to find a better director to lead the facility!!!