
4326 N.第75街,斯科茨代尔,亚利桑那州,85251


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  • 静脉注射疗法治疗
  • 委员会认证的医生和急诊室培训的护士
  • 豪华私人房间


  • 住宅待遇
  • 医疗解毒


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  • 房屋及设施

  • 治疗效果

  • 食物与营养



  • 房屋及设施

  • 治疗效果

  • 食物与营养

这是我的故事和我在Gallus Detox Center的经历。对于谁阅读这一点,请选择清洁,你不会后悔,它真的据一切,我读到了关于Gallus Detox的所有事情都是合法的,然后是一些。我有一个非常糟糕的车祸,并迷上了氢橡胶和其他止痛药,听说美沙酮可以帮助你摆脱鸦片机构。这是我生命中曾经做过的最糟糕的决定,因为我对另一个人交易了一个成瘾。请给任何人都没有得到美沙酮,这是下降的最难的事情,但有可能并且有希望。我终于生病了,厌倦了生病和疲惫,所以我开始调查治疗,但总是遇到了同样的饼干刀具治疗中心,那样做同样的事情,就像一个监狱一样奔跑。所以经过数百个网站和无数电话呼叫后,我遇到了www.gallusdetox.com,突然感到有些关于这个网站的东西。我从未觉得过的大量体重和一波的情感,我开始非常沉重地哭泣,所以我写下了他们的号码并关闭了我的笔记本电脑,而不经历了90%的网站。我试着睡觉,但起初,我无法停止思考这个地方,但那天晚上,这是甚至在呼唤之前的地方是正确的地方。当我第二天早上醒来时,我仍然有同样的感觉,这是正确的地方,我的搜索结束了,当我第一次打电话时,我很幸运能够与一位名叫丽莎的小姐交谈,她很耐心 and at that time in my mind I was thinking that I didn’t deserve for someone to be this caring and worried about getting me here because every day you are addicted to something it could be your last day and that’s not the way to live. I was just existing at that point I didn’t have any motivation or desire to do or work towards anything before coming to Gallus. I was skeptical at first but after reserving my room and booking my flight all of the skepticism went away. There was still a lot of anxiety but every bit of that started to go away the moment they picked me up from the airport and all the rest of my anxiety went away the second I walked in the door I realized that I had made the best decision of my life. I couldn’t imagine another place that is more caring, safer and comfortable in the United States and there have even been people come from overseas to detox here if that tells you anything. They immediately evaluated me and within an hour I had an IV with my medicine and a specific treatment schedule made for me since they approach each person differently to make me as comfortable as I could have hoped for and then some. The IV process of delivering your medicine works a lot better and faster and can be changed and administered if anything changes with you mentally or physically at least in my case they did. This is very important to be as comfortable as possible so you will actually finish your detox. Their process is different than any other approach I ever came across online but their approach is very effective especially when your withdrawals are at their worst no matter what drug or drugs you are on. Gallus Detox saved my life they gave me hope when I had didn’t have any left they gave me my feelings back and that ability to care about things other than myself and my methadone addiction. This is the best place in the country to detox off of any drug but methadone is the worst I was in there for 18 days and only had minimal withdrawal symptoms but that is to be expected. What I wasn’t expecting was how short they were and how they were to keep it under control during my stay even watching the 8 to 10 others come in with the same fear but their fears were calmed down just like mine when I realized I was dealing with the most caring group I have ever had the pleasure to get to know. They are more like a family up there and it rubbed off on me and everyone that came before and after me that I interacted with. Everyone helps each other and messes around and joking with everyone the entire atmosphere from your first step in the door to your last step to leave. I honestly will always have a piece of my heart inside that place because that’s where my life changed after thinking that nothing could change and I was going to have to be dependent on Methadone for the rest of my life. Patrick the Boss Man and all of his staff make you realize from your first call that no matter what drug or drugs you are on they have seen every situation and every drug addiction come through their doors. The most important aspect is Patrick comes every day to talk to each person and that they have 2 people that are literally 10 feet away at all times in case anything were to go wrong. Something that I will always remember is the staff members treats you like you are part of their own family and goes out of their way to make you as comfortable as possible and are more laid back than anything I expected due to their approach towards ever aspect of this life-changing journey from beginning to end even with help setting up aftercare which the staff works tirelessly on from the second you get there they are setting up your next step whatever it may be. With the IV therapy and their overall different approach to a traditional detox/rehab. The food is fantastic they order from all the local restaurants that had a ton of variety and always ordered from different places so nothing would get old. The private rooms were very comfortable and reminded me of being home. You have a flat screen high def tv with cable and wifi plus you get to bring your personal cell phone, laptop, and tablet. Here is what put Gallus Detox above other places is that I have had really bad back problems and haven’t slept in a bed in close to 4 years. They went and rented an electrically adjustable recliner for me to sleep in which is something I didn’t even think of before arriving I was just ready to get there. I was there for 18 days but every other drug you can detox of in about a week depending on your situation but for those 18 days I personally got the privilege to watch probably 8-10 people that came in looking like they were on their last leg and a week later they left with no issues and they were a completely different person inside and out. not 1 time did I see anyone sick or so uncomfortable they couldn’t function. Everyone was as comfortable as physically and mentally possible during this most important time of my life and others as well. Every single person that I got to know and see come through completed their detox and moved on to wherever their next step was but GALLUS DETOX is the best first step you can ever take to take your life back and learn to care and live again sober. It's worth it in every way possible. I owe Gallus everything including my life and my outlook towards the future that they gave me the hope that was missing before. I care about every single one of yall and if anyone ever needs ANYTHING you have my number. Thank you so much for everything yall do and will continue to do for everyone that comes through those doors especially me it means the world to have my life back. I wish nothing but the best for you and your families. Especially my Prayer Warrior. Love yall. D.D


  • 房屋及设施

  • 治疗效果

  • 食物与营养

高技能,关怀和富有同情心的工作人员不是弱点,但这是医疗排毒,而不是治疗中心。员工和药物滥用顾问将协助患者在追踪计划和安置。自从2011年开始,我一直在这家公司。Gallus Detox和所有的员工都非常激情,我们对我们的家人这样做和关心我们的患者。小型设施和优秀的员工与患者的比例允许员工在医学和情感上真正帮助患者。


  • 房屋及设施

  • 治疗效果

  • 食物与营养

Gallus Detox是迄今为止我推荐的最佳排毒中心,包括非常亲密的朋友。与其独特和个性化的治疗方法相结合的员工凭证是迄今为止在排毒行业中最有效的。我不知道这是一个弱点,但各个中心的中心仅限于6名患者。进气过程非常简单,治疗非常有效,因为大多数排毒处理是通过IV治疗完成的。所有房间都是单身,所以它可以获得更舒适的住宿,因为您不必处理其他人的健康问题。我建议给他们打电话,可能期望等候名单,因为它们总是充满了他们的有效性。


  • 房屋及设施

  • 治疗效果

  • 食物与营养
