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  • 组治疗
  • 自尊发展
  • 辩证行为治疗


  • 家庭计划
  • 饮食障碍治疗
    许多精神卫生专业人士查看吃疾病(包括厌食症,贪食症和狂犬病,以及其他功能障碍饮食模式)作为食物成瘾 - 因为除了燃料之外的方式使用食物或幸福的来源。一些,但不是全部,成瘾治疗计划包括作为服务菜单的一部分的饮食障碍治疗。此外,饮食障碍可能是双诊断或具有药物或酒精成瘾的共同发生的疾病。188bet金博宝备


  • 私人/僻静




  • 3.9

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    Avg。得分从9. 回顾
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  • 住宿和设施

  • 治疗效果

  • 饭菜和营养

起初抵达时,我喜欢它。我是一种酗酒的患者。188bet金博宝备守护人员的措施更糟糕的是,他们无法遵守顾问。我目睹了2在那里的时间戒烟。他们无法与客户单独工作。如果他们完成了15分钟的时间插槽和你的完成。通常有30名女孩,只有3个辅导员。我被赋予了正常的作业,就是这样。人们已在关于Gables规则的评论中提到过。设定了许多规则,以帮助您,但其他人阻碍您参加AA会议或任何治疗通行证。 Many have come to believe they keep clients there just for the money! I have witnessed woman do everything they were supposed to and maintain a job the whole time, find sober houseing and outpatient treatment and yet the gables tries to keep you for the money. The purpose of half way housing is to obtain a job and housing and after care, Well when ya do.. They keep you anyways. I\'ve never disagreed so much with how a treatment director . The director literally rolled her eyes at a client and shut her door. If you want true treatment were u learn I suggest not going here. It\'s literally a joke. They tell you what u need to accomplish before graduating... I myself accomplished everything and went way above and beyond and joined an aa committee and am going to college and working a full time job as well as obtained housing and yet then that wasn\'t good enough. It\'s all about the money! Truly my counselor did nothing for me. She didn\'t guide me in anything. I\'m the one that did the work, got a job got housing went to meetings got on committees maintains my life in sobriety got back into college. Not the gables. The gables was a place to sleep at night at the end of the day. I would not recommend this place at all. Your better off picking a different treatment! But don\'t get me wrong the actual owner of the house is a peach\' the best thing about the house. And several of the techs are amazing. Other then that I would never go back!!!


  • 住宿和设施

  • 治疗效果

  • 饭菜和营养



    我完全花了两周。在丽贝卡的住所顽美地区享受28天令人惊叹的日子,我进去了勇敢相信玻别可待提供相同的眼睛开放之旅。男孩,我是错误的。我在9月8日星期二得到了那里,他们甚至不知道我来了,但我的保险公司所做的。他们震惊了我在那里,但当然需要我($$)。导演,粗鲁,像地球的scrum一样对待我。她做了我的承认,花了两天。我来的第二天已经戒掉了,并离开了第二天和另外9月10日。我的评估由两天后离开的女人完成。我在剩下的两位建议之间被扔在一起,这一切都感觉到了不可思议的。那天晚上服用100毫克曲唑酮并注意到我的床没有床单,没有毯子,没有枕套,我的Meds在我的系统上我走下到狭窄的楼梯,让技术拿到这个东西,让技术让我询问我的话 and a clean comforter. She had me follow her downstairs (the basement) on my meds and grab my sheets. She had me use the dirty comforter and didn\'t hand me pillow cases. I walked up two flights of narrow stairs and made my own bed. Two nights in a row I slept without pillow cases after asking repeatedly. The first sevens days you\'re on restrictions. Meaning you are obligated to stay in the house the entire time. The meetings consisted of movies that we have all seen 5times in detox centers, outpatient and other in patient treatments. Movies from 1986. The community group is coin sisted on drama that the staff LOVE to bring on. The in house meetings are ran solely by clients (peers) which is chaotic. Silence, same people saying same stuff, women cussing, making jokes and the words I heard the f-word. The other three women who came same day I did all wanted to leave at this point it had been an entire week of this. I finally confronted the staff members about my experience. I still hadn\'t had a one on one with my councelor and was upset. I finally was pulled up into her office and we redid my eval that I did with the other woman day #1. I was has handed two packets to work on and sent on my way never to meet with her again. The house has a strong smell of urine (once was a nursing home), you get used to the smell though but when you have visitors they are always thrown back by this smell that you\'ll notice when you first enter. I was finally off restrictions and got to go to a scarce number of outside meetings. I also got chores which trumped my recovery, if I couldn\'t find someone to do my chores then I wouldn\'t be able to join recovery groups outside the home. Walking the 120# therapy dog three times a day (being pulled from my recovery group). The dog is adorable, I love dogs but I didn\'t come to treatment to take care of the director\'s personal dog. Cleaning up his fecal matter and clumps of golden dog hair every day. They are focused on us maintaining the old house more than our recovery. I didn\'t go to recovery to clean all day. They work off a check system (infractions) which are easy to get and you wake up every morning with checks for various things. I personally, only received one, but I was anal about not getting them because the consequences was being cconfined to the house. My councelor was absent in the hhouse and very unorganized. On the second week, she didn\'t even know my name. I was appalled and saddened. So I decided to leave, I am investing my time to grow and learn and this place was in it for the money, clearly. The food is scarce and disgusting. Freezer burnt. The breakfast is always the same cereal, warm milk, bagels and plain oats except Friday they make something \"special\". When I decided to leave, I was treated so poorly. They were mean, llaughing in the office and saying inappropriate stuff about me. The package I had coming this week, they wouldn\'t forward it to me instead are returning to sender. Why would they help me? The money stopped. This place is appalling. Please trust in my words, as I am Just warning other girls to know the real deal. It was hard because I had invested two weeks of my life and walked out feeling I regressed. Sad not all people are in it to help the addict but in it for the money.


    • 住宿和设施

    • 治疗效果

    • 饭菜和营养

    我前往5次其他治疗设施,前往扶持程序。守护者挽救了我的生活。我喜欢这种氛围和真正觉得我在家里恢复而不是“设施”或医院的氛围。它是温暖和诱人的。辅导员令人难以置信。我最喜欢的是,我从来没有觉得我被谈到了。相反,我觉得我谈论等于等于,教育的女性真正关心我和我的成功。有各种各样的团体,这些方案非常教育。奥比狗围绕着我很棒。我很高兴有动物,这是非常治疗的。 I learned so much about myself at the Gables. I also learned how to live with and get along with many other women. I was able to start working while I was there and get back on my feet. I appreciate the Gables for what they have done for me and for what they have done and continue to do for many women. I would highly recommend this treatment center to anyone looking for a positive and effective rehab. I will always be grateful for the Gables.

